The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine
The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine will be held at Tokyo International Forum on April 27 (Sun.) and 28 (Mon.), 2025, in conjunction with the International Federation of Fertility Societies World Congress 2025 (IFFS World Congress 2025 from April 26 to 29, 2025, Chaired by Yutaka Osuga). This is the very first annual meeting of JSRM that the private clinic will host, and we are very honored to be a part of it.
The unique feature of this year's meeting is that it will be held in collaboration with the IFFS, which will be held in Japan for the first time in 54 years. Having a common theme “Diversity, Sustainability and Resilience in Reproductive Medicine”, we believe that these values will guide us in building a better future in the field of reproductive medicine.
In recent years, the field of reproductive medicine has been required to provide higher quality medical care to patients with different backgrounds, needs and desires. Recognizing this diversity is to move forward in this direction. The mixing of different specialties and ideas in the fields of research and technology will also lead to more innovative and progressive approaches. Furthermore, while reproductive medicine is developing along with technological advances, it is essential that efforts are made to minimize environmental impact in the process. We must embrace sustainable approaches and work together to develop a healthy environment for future generations. Resilience in dealing with unknown and challenging situations is also essential. Facing challenges and learning and growing through them will be key to the future of reproductive medicine.
With these in mind, I hope that the 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine will share the same theme as the International Federation of Fertility Societies and provide a valuable opportunity for active exchange of opinions with guests not only from Japan but also from overseas.
This meeting will provide Japanese doctors, embryologists, and researchers with a valuable opportunity to attend lectures by leading international experts and present their own achievements in English. We hope that many of you will apply for the common slots available at both the Society of Reproductive Medicine and the IFFS World Congress 2025. We hope that many of you will enter the common slots for the Society of Reproductive Medicine and IFFS World Congress 2025 so that you can move seamlessly between the two societies and gain more achievements.
At the same time, there will also be a stand-alone entry and general abstract submission slot for the Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine. All slots for the Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine will be in Japanese, and there will be a number of morning seminars and symposia based on the conference theme, which we hope you will also look forward to.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the many people involved in preparing for the conference. I look forward to seeing you all at Tokyo International Forum.
第70回日本生殖医学会学術講演会は、2025年4月27日(日)から28日(月)の2日間、東京国際フォーラムにて 国際生殖医学会(IFFS 2025・大須賀穣大会長)と併催する形で開催させていただきます。プライベートクリニックが主管させていただく初めての講演会ということで、大変名誉なことと存じます。ちなみに、IFFS2025の開催期間は、2025年4月26日(土)から29日(火)の4日間となります。
さて、本大会の第一の特徴は、54年ぶりに我が国で開催されるIFFSとの協調を目指しているところです。そこで大会テーマも、両学会共通とし、「Diversity(多様性), Sustainability(持続可能性) and Resilience(粘り強さ)」とさせていただきました。これらの価値観は、生殖医療の分野においてより良い未来を築くための指針となるものと考えています。

会長 塩谷 雅英